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Viatrim is the main supplement (a homeopathic remedy) that thousands have used during this program. Its purpose is to trigger the body's natural healing mechanisms in a way that supports weight loss. It can be taken anytime during or after the program.

We strongly suggest taking other supplements as well including EFAs (omega-3 fish oil or krill oil), a multivitamin and electrolytes during this program. Other supplements can be helpful as well. Read below to learn about why we recommend them.

IMPORTANT: It's always good advice to check with your doctor before taking supplements, especially if you are or have been taking other medication, or if you have any kind of medical condition. As always read the label directions.

Also take a look at our main Supplements page for a discussion about other supplements.

EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) or Omega-3 Fish Oil

This is highly recommended for health benefits regardless of what program you're following, but there are other reasons to take it during this program. One reason is because consumption of EFAs can reduce or outright eliminate the formation of gallstones during the diet. The risk is low but when the solution is to take something that is so incredibly beneficial to your general health, there's no question it's a smart thing to do.

So, start taking EFAs on the first day of the program.


  • Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega with Vitamin D3 and without Vitamin D: Nordic Naturals is easily the most trusted and popular fish oil brand. The version with Vitamin D is a good idea because very few people get enough in their diet, and low levels of Vitamin D can impair appetite control.
  • Nordic Naturals Liquid Omega-3: Lemon flavored. This is a great option for anyone who doesn't like swallowing softgels.
  • Antarctic Krill Oil: While fish oil is a proven standby, many experts believe krill oil is superior (higher potency, more environmentally sustainable, better metabolic influence, etc). The jury is still out but it's a great option to get your EFA's.


A low-carb diet like this program can cause an electrolyte imbalance as your body adjusts to burning more fat. It's easy to get low on sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium during the Core Phase. Liberally salting your food is recommended. Getting a specific kind of salt with high potassium content like Morton Light salt is suggested. In addition to salting your food, you should take an electrolyte supplement that provides a wide range of balanced minerals including like calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc that are difficult to get in optimal levels in any diet.

Suggested amounts per day:

  • 3 - 5 grams sodium
  • 1 gram potassium*
  • 500 grams magnesium
  • 600 grams calcium (optional; see below)

*Potassium: Some experts suggest adults get 4.7 grams per day, but it is possible to get too much so don't go crazy with it.

Recommended Products:

You should consume a serving of an electrolyte drink at least once per day, probably more. The doses in the supplements above aren't high, so to get up to suggested amounts you'd need to drink a serving several times per day.

In addition to the calcium in electrolyte mixes, you may consider taking extra calcium. According to some studies, taking 600mg of calcium daily helps fat loss. Unless you are eating a lot of dairy, you will need to take a calcium supplement like this one in order to reach that amount. Most calcium supplements come with Vitamin D because it helps improve calcium absorption. It's also a good idea because most people are deficient in Vitamin D, and low levels impair appetite control.


Eating the allowed protein sources along with plenty of the allowed vegetables, you will get most nutrients you need. However, to make sure you're getting a full complement of essential vitamins and minerals you should be taking a regular multivitamin, which you can get at any local store.

Protein Powder

Getting just the right amount of quality protein is important for any weight loss protocol, but it's especially important in the Core Phase. Powdered protein drinks formulated with a high concentration of quality protein can be a great way to quickly supplement your daily protein needs while avoiding the extra fat and calories that come along with even the leanest of meats. Protein drinks ideally should have at least 20 grams of protein, no more than 2 grams of fat, no more than 2 - 3 grams of carbs (not including fiber, if any), and less than 130 - 140 calories or so. Many protein drinks and powders on the market don't meet these requirements and are often packed with carbs which make it incompatible with this program. Read the labels closely, and do not use them if they don't comply.


Appetite/Cravings Supplement

Although hunger and cravings should be minimal during the program, a good supplement aimed can only help you feel even more comfortable and happy. If you don't feel the need during the program you can always use it later during stabilization and maintenance. Check out our Supplement Guide for recommendations.

Stabilization and Off-Diet

As you transition away from the Core Phase and into an everyday diet, any of the above supplements can continue to assist your efforts to control your weight, or simply contribute to your overall health. The exception is that after the Core Phase you shouldn't need to take an electrolyte on a daily basis.

As you begin adding more carbohydrates and other foods back into your diet, a blood sugar supplement can help (see our Supplement Guide for recommendations).

You can continue using protein drinks as needed to help you get more protein and feel more satisfied during meals. Studies have shown that taking protein on a daily basis can cause weight loss independent of diet or exercise - definitely what we want for weight maintenance!

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